April 1, 2021

Understanding the Truth about Critical Race Theory, Part 2

A few days ago the Missio Alliance posted an article on Critical Race Theory (CRT) with second and final article by Jeff Liou continuing the topic. Go read it: Understanding Critical Race Theory: Part 2. We addressed part 1 of their article here: Understanding the Truth about Critical Race Theory: Part 1.

Don't be confused by the false narrative that Jeff Liou and Robert Chao Romero are engaging in. A majority of Christians, regardless of race or ethnicity, agree that racism is a sin. So despite Jeff's statement that somehow there's a mixed message in the church, there's not. The misunderstanding isn't that racism is bad and sinful, it's how CRT conveys this position

To say that “general revelation” or “common grace” make CRT potentially useful (which the Southern Baptist Convention [SBC] did in 2019), but also that CRT is unnecessary to understand that racism is sinful (which then-SBC president Al Mohler did in 2021) could easily be experienced as a mixed message.1 To be clearer, most skeptics that I have read do not object that CRT offers a high-resolution analysis of the awful workings of racism within the legal system, the educational system, and so on. Rather, CRT is “incompatible” to them because, in part, its ruthless critique of white supremacy does not reflect the doctrinal language by which skeptics narrate their world.

It's not the "ruthless critique of white supremacy" that's the issue. Nor is it why CRT is incompatible with scripture.

As we have already stated, one of the major issues with CRT (aside from it's Marxist ideology) isn't it's declaration that racism is bad. It's the declaration that all whites are bad because all whites are inherently racist and oppressive. This one point alone renders it incompatible with scripture as it falsely accuses an entire segment of not only being racist, but also the only ones who are racist. This is an outright lie and bearing false witness. It's also a false heresy that's infecting the church.

CRT doesn't offer a "high-resolution analysis of the awful working of racism", it offers a horse with blinders narrative that accuses 100% of white people of racism and oppression while willfully ignoring the truth. An ignorance which is content with blaming everything wrong on every white person to have ever existed.

Jeff continues his story about the recent shooting in Atlanta at an Asian spa. In which he makes sure you, the reader, knows that the shooter was white and a member of an SBC church. You know, the same SBC that first accepted and then later rejected CRT. It's as if he's trying to make a correlation to groups, churches, and individuals who reject CRT are secretly purveyors of racism (despite the fact there's been zero evidence which has indicated the attacks were racially motivated). Jeff doesn't care about this because it doesn't fit his ongoing agenda. The church (Crabapple First Baptist) the shooter was a member of released a statement condemning the actions. Click here to seen a screenshot of the statement.

However for Jeff, that statement was completely unacceptable. In his mind, since they aren't work CRT thinkers, they are inherently responsible for the actions of a wicked sinner. This is evidenced by Jeff's response:

The total failure to take any responsibility for the shaping of this man’s heart and mind is endemic to the “accountable freewill individualistic” doctrine of sin in which we are not necessarily our siblings’ keepers. In such a selectively biblicist logic, doctrine, theology, and ecclesial institutions play no role and therefore require no redress. It should be clear that this decades-long commitment to such doctrine functions as an apologetic for inaction.

First off, they didn't fail to take responsibility for the shaping of his heart and mind. Their statement indicates several biblical principals that the shooter would have been exposed to as a member of their church.

  • They see everyone as image bearers of God.
  • They shared the Gospel of Jesus.
  • They believe sin is an act of rebellion against God and scripture.
  • They also state that the shooters actions ran counter to what they and the bible teach.

So unless Jeff has some clear evidence that Crabapple FBC taught and/or encouraged it's members to engage in sinful behavior, he's making some pretty big accusations and doing so to push a false CRT narrative. Furthermore, we are each individually judged by our own actions and not the actions of others. We can certainly become intertwined in someone else's sin, that doesn't mean we are directly or even indirectly responsible for said sin.

Honestly when you read his comment and reflect on it, he's attempting to shame and guilt them into accepting responsibility for the shooter all because they apparently don't embrace CRT. This type of manipulation is exactly the opposite of the Gospel and any Christian who behaves like this should be disciplined by their church for being blatantly anti-Scripture, divisive and more. Honestly Jeff needs to do some heavy repenting... but the extent of his depravity doesn't end there.

The last part of his statement is especially troubling:

It should be clear that this decades-long commitment to such doctrine (selectively biblicist logic, doctrine, theology, and ecclesial institutions) functions as an apologetic for inaction.

So the belief that scripture, doctrine, theology, and ecclesial institutions is sufficient for Christian is nothing more than a cop out for inaction? More specifically a cop out for not allowing the Gospel + CRT to be taught hand in hand as if scripture was ill equipped to handle race relations? That's a pretty serious accusation against God.

"All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work."

2 Timothy 3:16-17

I sure he would back peddle if pushed on this issue, but honestly he's implying that scripture alone simply isn't sufficient enough to take on racism. He gives this implication again in his closing statements:

Those dismissals (of CRT) offer only false peace by resolving the cognitive dissonance between the desire for ease and a longing for justice.

So saying that scripture alone and the Gospel alone are sufficient to handle racism is nothing more than false peace? I'm sure he would counter that's not what he's saying, but in truth that's EXACTLY what he's saying. That we need Jesus plus, or Scripture plus, or the Gospel plus.

So, as I write this, a single word rises in my spirit: neighbor. Driven by love of neighbor, I trust you will seek to understand “racism in all its forms,” including those forms articulated by CRT.

I wish he would seek to understand "racism in all its forms," including the anti-white racism that CRT and it's supporters encourage.

We don't need CRT to defeat racism, we need to live our lives Christ Like or Christian. We need to be obedient to scripture. We need to love our neighbor as we do ourselves. We need to recognize that all of us are God's image bearers, and most importantly that Scripture alone is fully sufficient to train and guide us. In doing so we will recognize the need to love one another in the proper manners and when we don't, to discipline those who stumble.

We need to stand up and arm ourselves with the truth of Scripture, and call out CRT for the evil it is. For those who don't understand CRT, are on the fence, and even those who support it, We recommend folks read Voddie Baucham's new book Fault Lines.


November 23, 2021
Sign our Petition to The Gospel Coalition

The function of The Gospel Coalition was to unite fellow Reformed Pastors and Churches under a common goal of spreading the Gospel as far and wide as possible. Unfortunately they've lost sight of this purpose and now behave in a manner that's not only divisive but sinful. They have repeatedly published articles that has created […]

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May 29, 2021
A biblical Christian's open letter to Mary Birdwhistell: 'I’m sorry, but your god is Satan'

Back on May 14th, Mary Birdwhistell ("pastor" of Highland Baptist Church) wrote an opinion piece for the Courier Journal entitled: "A female pastor’s open letter to Al Mohler: 'I’m sorry your God is so small'". As you can see from the title it's directed specifically at Al Mohler, and indirectly at those (men and women) […]

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April 1, 2021
Understanding the Truth about Critical Race Theory, Part 2

A few days ago the Missio Alliance posted an article on Critical Race Theory (CRT) with second and final article by Jeff Liou continuing the topic. Go read it: Understanding Critical Race Theory: Part 2. We addressed part 1 of their article here: Understanding the Truth about Critical Race Theory: Part 1. Don't be confused […]

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